George Edward Boggs Sr. and Elvira Ponder got married and had
children George Edward Boggs Jr. My Dad my uncle Chris Boggs
Aunt Debbie and Aunt Kathy the youngest of them. My dad would
always tell me about how his mother my grandmother Elvira Boggs
was a loving mother and faithful in the Lord's church... and that
when kids got out of line she beat butts lol!!! Her love for God was
as strong as her love for her family.George Edward Boggs Sr. was a
loving father and he served his country in World War II. God Called
them back later on in the 80's so I never got to meet my Dad's parents
My dad would tell me about how he was in the cub scouts when he was little
and that his mother was very active in all the things he and my aunts and uncle
did when they were young here in the picture above thats him on the left
about 2nd or 3rd grad on on the right standing next to my uncle Chris in their
cub scout uniform my dad is big brother between them both he would tell
me that being big brother is a pretty big responsibility... Don't I know it lol!!!
My Dad Graduated from Eastern Michigan University in which he received
his Bachelor's Degree and his Masters.
George Edward Boggs Jr. my Dad served his country
in the Vietnam War in the Army. He said God was
with him all the way through so that he made it back home
we did loose alot of lives in that war.
My dad had no problem getting work opportunities even interviewed with many
companies around the country and he said they would fly him around the country
for interviews but his next one he found a job in Phoenix, Arizona where he met
Cheryl Ann Hamilton at the Tonto st. Church of Christ where on April 21, 1984
they were both married. My dad would always tell me how he was not only
taken by how beautiful my mom is but by how smart and wise she is and her
love and faithfulness in God.
January 29th 1987 yours truly George Edward Boggs the 3rd was born
my dad would say jokingly to me that my mom said that that was it for children
but then in October 25th 1990 my younger brother Jared Alan Boggs came into
and was born that night. both of us native to Phoenix, AZ
thats my parents we were all at Niagara Falls my dad took us along on their
wedding anniversary. God has kept us all together over the years we've been
through good times, bad times, hard times, moving from Arizona to Michigan
my Mom and Dad are still happily married to this day and it will be 25 years in
2009. I just want to say to my Dad Happy Birthday I love you and God bless you
many more years on this earth.
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