Its funny how Me and my friend James were talking about shoes last night and how not into Air Force Ones we were but I'd definitely would wear these shoes. The Playstation Forces and according to Sole the 10 year Anniversary since Playstation 2 was released. Man I can't believe its been that long I didn't think PS2 was released in 99" where has the time gone? But even till now PS2 is still a good system to play with but like technology it has its time and is being left behind with other systems as Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 are now in the prime of there run before the next thing. But definitely I'd love to have a pair of shoes as nice looking as these and that has the style for the common gamers entertainment for years. I wonder if they have other console based style shoes out there, and if so I'll check into them and see if they're probably just limited edition
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