Everyone has there favorite song that they can just relate to or vibe too and they listen to it more than any other song probably throughout the year, in 2007 Stronger from Kanye West was the song for me and many other people, I remember reading from somewhere that other people said that it got them through the year good and bad times and I can relate to that. This is 2009 and My song I've been just bobbin my head too and vibing too is from Rick Ross' Trilla Album, the
Song is Called "This Me" and its pretty hype. makes me feel despite things that have gone in my life the person I am and what I come off as is cool and actually in the way I take it in gives me a greater swagger in just being me living day by day being the way I am, nice, cool, exercising common sense (I say that because I see some people on almost a daily basis that don't use it or don't know what it is but it is what it is.) and being the kind hearted person I've been raised to be, I just try to be like the one who came down for us to die and went back up in the sky thats all I wanna be everyday when I get up in the mourning and the same when I go to sleep at night.
The lyrics from what Rick Ross is saying is somewhat contrary to what I'm about except for the making money part, which I'm trying to do the same too but not the same way, I'm staying in school to get the degrees so when I get the top Job later on in life I'm set and if hard times like this come back around 10, 15 years later I won't be cut loss like so many because I'll be one of the top bosses. But the title of the song and overall confidence it exhibits is what you can say should give anyone who's just being good and live one day at a time should stand out and say "This is Me" and you all should live like this and set the example. If I was wealthy though Like warren buffet and those we all know that are sitting on top of world with their Net Worth, I would live nice but I couldn't do that knowing people in the streets is far behind, "I can't help the poor if I'm one of them so if I get rich I'll give to me and share the rest with them, to the point where it actually shows real results. Sometimes I just shake my head sometimes when I look at us, I go down to the bus stop every mourning for school and I look into our faces and I notice that I never see alot of smiles or at least halfway happy looks. Anyway I hope you enjoy the song
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