Obama is Basically saying look we're close to having
Health Reform... to where Health care will be more
affordable for the years to come by making the market
more competitive because when a market is competitive
then prices go down and service is more affordable.
But the Health Insurance companies and those on the
Right, Conservative Republicans who are also on the
same side in the back pocket of the Health insurance
companies are pulling out all the stops to try and prevent
history being made but not only that something that is to the
benefit and well being of the American people. Some of you
may ask why... you can watch CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC two
of the three basically have been fact checking
Fox News wrong on all the lies and deceit that they and their
comrades who are lobbyist for Health Insurance companieshave
been putting out to confuse you as the American People... but don't
just take my word for it you gotta research... watch the three news
stations and read some of the posts on the internet to get the facts
and compare and contrast them too see who's lying and who's telling
the truth... and the fact is is that the truth is here its not being hidden
but since American people are easily swayed by what's being said by
one network or source than in comparison to another then your missing
out on what's really going on even if you are on the side that is trying
to get things done and do right by the people, you still have to know
who's out there opposing them and spreading the lies and false
rumors to support their own political gain... so in this case politically
you have to know who the enemy is. I can easily say Bill O'Rielly,
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck but you must follow
up on that and find out for yourself and compare and contrast
and come to your own conclusion.
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