Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama Custom Air Force One Sneakers

Sneaker's Article

Barack Obama is all over the place. You see his campaign signs along all the roads and his face plastered all over the newspapers and TV. Now you even see his face on a pair of custom Air Force Ones which have been designed by an artist named Van orVan20. Instead of a flashy colorway or the use of patterns and materials, Van used his pure artistic talent for these. Each shoe includes an image of Barack Obama which i have to say is pretty impressive. The portraits of Barack Obama are of two different facial expressions and the rendition is spot on. Besides the Obama portraits which are enough to catch the eye, Van has also included the two sayings which Barack Obama is always caught saying; “Change” and “Yes We Can”. All this along with a few stars, a simple grid pattern, the Barack Obama logos and some fading these custom sneakers are a pair which is defiantly unique in my book. Obama voter or not. Check out Vans Myspace page here and hit him up with all your comments and requests for customs sneakers.