Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Time is Now!!! The Future is ours Lets take it!!!


At the Democratic National Convention earlier this week
Its become plain and clear that as long as the Republicans are in office
They don't care about the basic needs of people that our the focal point and
strength in our economy.  I think it would take Obama should he get elected 2 terms 
8 years to undo what George W. Bush has done.  Don't buy into all the false adds
that McCain and his supporters are putting out saying Obama is going to
raise taxes, when Obama's plan is to give the Middle class everyone that
makes less than 250 K per year a bigger tax break than the upper class.

Its been documented that Hilary has over 18 million supporters
and I bet they are mad that she didn't at least get picked to run for vice
but at the Rally she gives a wonderful speech in support of Barack Obama
rallying her supporters to be spirited and support Obama just the kind
of rally that should be done otherwise we're looking at 4 more years of Bush

Former President Bill Clinton gives a good no a great supporting speech
at first the crowd wouldn't even let him get started the cheers must have lasted 
10 minutes he had to tell them to be quiet lol!!!

Michelle Obama speaks in support of her Husbands campaign

Barack Obama's speech was Dynamite this November we all need
to get behind him and make this happen, not just for the sake of history
but the progression to bring American back to being the strong economical
and influential country that we're supposed to be.