Monday, September 15, 2008

Oklahoma City Thunder

Oklahoma welcomes the former Seattle SuperSonics and in which I'm 
sure most people including the people of Seattle thought that this was the
most ridiculous move and me personally I mean... Thunder? come on 
could've at least kept the Super Sonic name at least. but oh well maybe this
will all work out for the better in the future.  But honestly I think they should 
give Seattle another team... the people there did not want to see their team leave
and are mad at the owner of the former Sonics/Thunder now.  heck maybe it'll play
out like in the NFL when Old Cleveland browns left Cleveland in "96" and went 
to Baltimore to become the Ravens and have one of the toughest Defenses and in "99"
the new cleveland browns were reborn to the city of cleveland hopefully it'll playout 
like that and Seattle gets a new SuperSonics team.

But in other news all 13,000 season tickets were sold out  so people in Oklahoma are 
high on there new basketball team and thats good for them they had a sample for when
the Hornets were there for a time when Katrina trashed New Orleans.  Now usually
when you and I think of Oklahoma you think of big farms and alot of cattle, and 1 of the
better college football teams in the Oklahoma Sooners and thats it, but their new NBA
team may bring an even bigger market expansion and publicity to then they have right now
which i think is non existant.  So can't wait to see how the team is when the season starts
here's the link to their website on