Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Rookie and a Veteran

You may have heard of the term an officer and a gentleman, well if you've been watching the NBA this year you know that Derrick Rose is a Rookie and a Veteran. I mean he's playing like he's 3 years into the game in my opinion. Lebron James has witnesses but this young point guard is making believers already in just his first year, and especially with his hometown chicago the southwest side native. I was reading the article in this months Slam Magazine and they interviewed his former coach from Memphis and coach Calipari said that "Rose would sometimes break down in tears after losing a game which lit his eyes up and said if this kid wants to win that badly then he's definitely someone I want on my team." Reading on further the article said that he's a very modest and sincere person as well and doesn't necessarily like being in the Limelight thats just him.