Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Euro Dollar is looking Stronger and tempting

It would seem that the Euro Dollar is looking mighty tempting to other NBA players even Lebron James said that he would consider playing overseas if he was offered a $50 million dollar per year contract, yes i said $50 million dollars per year. As crazy as that sounds its is possible, you don't believe me hears a quote from the commentary report from Espn. "A person close to James said Tuesday that the Cavaliers' superstar would strongly consider playing overseas if he was offered a salary of "around $50 million a year." James' current contract expires after the 2009-10 season, and while several NBA teams are working to create salary cap space for his impending free agency, none could offer a contract beginning at even $20 million a year. The Russian team CSKA Moscow and the Greek team Olympiacos, which recently gave Josh Childress a contract approaching $30 million over three years, have already contacted James, according to the person close to him. The person added, however, that no monetary or contractual discussions have taken place.

While $50 million a year seems outlandish, it is within the realm of possibility, considering the $250 million contract David Beckham received two years ago to join the MLS, the $33 million Michael Jordan was paid by the Chicago Bulls in 1997-1998, the strength of the euro in comparison to the dollar, and the fact that European clubs are not bound by a salary cap."(Espn.com) Now we've all been hearing for the past couple of years on how the Canadian Coins and Dollars and the Euro's have surpassed the U.S. Dollar in value, and now its very tempting to even our NBA superstars."While several NBA players have left the league this summer for more lucrative contracts in Europe, no stars have done so -- or even considered it. Joel Litvin, the NBA's president of league and basketball operations, said the league is not concerned about this developing trend."I don't want to say it's much ado about nothing, but we think it's overblown a bit," Litvin said. "It's not something we're losing sleep over."But losing a player of James' magnitude would be nothing short of a nightmare for the NBA." (Espn.com) So nothing to worry about but something to think about for sure, in future consideration