Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Eva Mendes shows off her boob

Well we can't call this a wardrobe malfunction thats for sure, shoot you can pretty much see everything as is, so why would seeing the nipple be so shocking? Eva Mendes did this commercial for a Calvin Klein perfume. Its funny how sex sells and the whole world today and the media and T.V. shows are big on sex, its cool for a woman to show cleavage maybe even most of her boob, and a little bit of the butt cheek, but I don't know i guess its taboo that a woman shouldn't show her nipple on T.V. Everybody was mad when Janet Jackson did it at the Super Bowl back in 2004, personally if thats how people really feel then its a hypocritical view point.  Eva Mendes is Bad as Hell, beautiful.  I think her booty is phatter than J-Lo's in my opinion when i first saw her in the movie "Hitch" aye the way T.V. is now today if she's gonna show a nipple or two by all means, i don't think anyone should have a problem with it, Calvin Klein I'm sure didn't mind it when he saw the commercial