Sunday, August 3, 2008

Marvel - X-Men

Probably one of if not the best cartoon that came out in our generation, X-Men, one of the biggest cartoon series from Marvel including anywhere from 50 to over 100 character's from marvel who all have their own story and life encounters that may include the X-Men.  The main thing I like about X-Men is that the whole struggle revolves around those Humans who have a unique and developed form of the Mutagenic gene.  Now in the series it was explained that all of the Men/Males carry the Mutagenic gene, and it was merely chance should the gene be passed on to their children and more so if the gene mutated into some unique form of power and ability, most likely changing the outward appearance of those who were born into the developed form of the gene.  

In that same sense the Mutants were a viewed as a different group that posed a potential threat to the people whom are normal in which made pretty much all the mutants outcasts in society government either wanted to use the mutants in a twisted gain for power, or destroy all mutants to keep the natural order and peace.  A few as an exception like Professor Xavier or otherwise known as Professor X wanted to teach the weary ones astray and not excepted by society that the only way to fit in is a peaceful approach to those that are hostile and that oppose the very nature of their being.  Anyone can easily make this story line comparison to the civil rights movement, people who are different struggling to be equal in the eyes of the law and everyone in that same right.  You can say that Professor X was like an MLK to the mutants believing in a peaceful and passive resistance to only bring together everyone, to one understanding that we're all different.  

And then you had Magneto, who's extreme views were sort of like maybe someone like Malcolm X with a by any means necessary approach, but even more extreme than that as he gathers mutants together to bring about his dreams and goal one day to eliminate all the humans and bring the world into peace and harmony with just mutants co mingling and existing together.  And thats pretty much the whole thing in a nut shell, you have all of humanity vs. the mutants, problem is the mutants are divided amongst themselves, those longing for peace in a peaceful way, and those who want to control and take over the world.  All in all it makes for one heck of a series, Marvel really out done themselves.