Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Been Away

(did I leave your mind when I was gone)

Yeah I'm back and going to start making a habit of blogging again
as you can see below my last post was back in October so I've been
on a four month break you can say, but I was going through alot the
latter part of last year I was feeling pretty down and I didn't end 08 on
a good note but thanks to the lord I have a fresh start being back in
school and taking care of my classes and everything is going well.
Sometimes I look at the other person in the mirror and he asks me
sometimes like why in the heck do you put yourself in the situations
like this and that, wtf were you thinking and what are you doing about
it now? sometimes I respond and say my bad I knew better, but other
times I tell him man i know I'm better than what I've shown, but besides
the fact of that I just gotta move on an try to redeal back to the better hand
I was delt before and I folded. But anyway I'm back I'm feeling pretty good
and its a new day like the song goes. I'm busy everybody's busy and thats
good though were in the midst of a economic crisis thats effecting everyone
where there's a will there's a way money is not easy to come by but its not
impossible to obtain.