Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sneaker Wishlist II (2009)

Its the year 2009 we're in the middle of the recession people aren't spending money as they would like but the certain thing is learning from my economics class is that people do want and there is still Demand and for that the Demand is not as high because consumer confidence is very low because of job security.

But Despite all that we all still want the stuff we want and Its 2009 I'm 22 years old and I've yet to own a pair of Air Force Ones and or a pair of Jordans and Converse's, but hopefully when i get my refund check I can splurge a little bit and tighten up my shoe game a little bit so Here's my sneaker wish List for 2009.

I know alot of you out there will look at this and go like "oh yeah I had those or I got those shoes, I remember when I bought those or when they came out I was waiting in line at the mall at like 6 a.m." and thats cool but this list is for me. It will give me incentive to go out there and get my own, and we all have wish lists like that.

I've always wanted to have the all white forces everybody I know since
middle and high school has owned a pair except for me

These Jordans are pretty tight If only i had money I'd
buy all of them and only wear each one like 2 or 3 times a
month on the weekends only

My wardrobe currently probably isn't colorful enough to wear the UK
flag design converse fashionably speaking but I'd take the risk wearing
them with a white tee and light blue jeans once in a while if I had them,
The black ones are nice and they zip up in the back.

The Hundreds in my opinion is probably the most innovative and
creative line of street wear and all I know is I'd like to rock the shoes
a hat and some of the tee's but one can dream

These vans are tight and only 20.00$ I don't skateboard but I'd wear
the shoe.