Thursday, July 31, 2008

CAMPAIGN: Homecoming

this video makes me think of my birthplace phoenix arizona I live there for the first 10 years of my life 
i have alot of family back there i would love nothing more than to go and visit, maybe some day i'll move back home.
Homecoming feat. Chris Martin Graduation

I just saw the hour long special a couple nights ago.  I didn't catch all of it when i turned to the MTV channel and I saw Kanye West in concert and I thought wow finally he gets a concert on T.V. but I was sure there was more to the whole story.  So I search through the guide and marked it for a later date.  When I watched the whole hour long special I was happy to see that the whole thing was about helping people out.  Those of which he helped were Iraq War veterans, young people still in their 20's struggling with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder or (PTSD) which comes from witnessing alot of the brutality and falatality of those around you living on a constent edge of fear.  That making one seem uncomfortable and still reacting as if they are at war off and on.  I can't imagine what it would be like to live like that knowing that I'm safe at home, but all in the same its not just that but the troubling economy that we're in right now, trying to pay rent, trying to keep gas in the car, trying to get out of debt, and trying to make ends meet.  That of which i can easily relate to in a sense except for the fact that they have bigger responsibilities on hand.  All the same I'm glad to see that someone with the positive image that Kanye West has reach out and help those in need, if more artist were like that I'm sure we'd see a trend and a turn for the better.  Kanye's music is an inspiration to me and I'm sure most people would say the same, he's come up from where most people are at right now with the crazy debt and overbearing odds, alot of that is stated in his music, but not only that but alot he raps about is what's going on in the world and what can be done about that, unlike the usually message thats being delivered through most of todays Rap/Hip-Hop Kanye's is on a more positive note, and is where Rap/Hip-Hop needs to go back too.  If you haven't watched it then you can go to's website so you to watch and enjoy and be aware.